Sunday, January 31, 2016

Another Month in the Summit: Day 1

If you saw my daily blogs from 2010 when we stayed for month in Breckenridge, Summit County, Colorado,  you know how much we love this place.  So, we decided to take the month of February trying to imagine retiring here, at 9600', where the snow is plentiful and the summers are bliss.  So, we packed up the car and Zorro and took off, leaving an 80 degree Austin winter day behind us.

Since the trial run at San Miguel de Allende didn't go so well,  we approached this do-over with some trepidation.  We found a place on VRBO (Home Away) that looked promising, but the owner had actually published very few pictures.  Yeah, its nice to see his family and his dog, but we don't want to rent his family or his dog;  just his house!  But it looked like a great deal: a 4 bedroom Victorian house in the historic district within walking distance to the Gondola, restaurants, bars, ...   You get the idea.  And we got a great rate:  His weekly rate is $3500,  and we got the whole month for $7000!  Sweet!

As we approached Breckenridge from the South, after an overnight in lovely (not) Amarillo, we saw that Winter is Coming!  They were predicting around a foot of snow that night, so we were glad we got an early start.  We found the house and started to breath a sigh of relief when we pulled up.  It LOOKED good from the outside!  Just as advertised!
So, we held our breath and walked inside,  and VIOLA!   It was just gorgeous!  We are sending the owner these pictures so he can do a better job of marketing the house...



The plan?  Ski.  Entertain friends and family. Drink.  Eat. Do some work (still enjoying some consulting).  Repeat until out of money...

Stay tuned!

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