Friday, December 11, 2015

... on the road again, can't wait to get back on the ... well, you get the idea...

I can NOT believe it has been 5 full years since I grabbed a keyboard and just wrote about what the heck I'm up to.  Perhaps it just hasn't been worth writing about?  Or am I reduced to Facebook "likes" and "Check-ins"?   Or perhaps its just that my activities for the last 5 years have all been about life transitions I wasn't fully comfortable about talking about it in detail?

 Oh, we've been busy alright!  Let's see, in the last 5 years I (we) have

  • Left IBM in 2010
  • Started Calxeda, best job I ever had
  • Watched Calxeda implode from lack of ... well,  thats another story
  • Watched Kristin graduate from CSU,  first as an undergrad then as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (SO very proud!)
  • Watched my Dad pass away unexpectedly from MRSA after 6 weeks in the ICU
  • Did some consulting
  • Did some diving (ok, a lot of diving)
  • Did some skiing
  • Did some soul searching (still looking)
  • Joined AMD
  • Left AMD
  • and stayed together with Lynne through it all (or, more accurately, she stayed with me?)

And now...   We are off to seek our future,  or  perhaps "create it" is more accurate!  Tomorrow we head for San Miguel de Allende for the Holidays.  We will use this time to explore, improve our Spanish,  eat (duh!), and try to envision what it could be like to retire in this lovely town high in the Mexican desert mountains, surrounded by culture and history and, yes, 10,000 other expatriates trying to do the same thing!

 Vamos a San Miguel! Hasta luego!

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