Saturday, October 16, 2010

You know you are in a start-up when ...

Well, the first week on the new job just flew by! Got all the admin done, like insurance and IT systems, etc. Amazing how much stuff we have in our lives change when we change employers.

But it isn't just that stuff that is different. It's the important stuff that is different, when you go from Big Blue to Little Green.

You know you are in a start-up when:

1. Every day is casual Friday.(Friday, in fact, should be Hawaiian shirt day.)
2. Your wife says "have fun!" when you leave for work in the (dark) morning.
3. You don't attend a single meeting all week via conference call with over 20 people who are all doing email during the meeting.
3. You get to decide stuff all by yourself. (kinda like an adult)
4. You meet 90% of the company employees the 1st week.
5. You never look at your watch to see how much longer you have to work today.
6. You avoid making lists of things to do. You have to do everything!
7. You wake up at 3 AM because you have a good idea, and can't go back to sleep.
8. You have this silly grin on your face all day long. (this will wear off after the honeymoon phase, I am told.)
9. You drink 5 times as much coffee as ever before.
10. You don't have time to pee. (goes real bad with #9 !!!!!)

So, you get the picture. Panic. Joy. Thrill. But most of all, constant learning! New experiences. And the excitement is just amazing! Everyone knows they are riding a tiger.

Hang on!!!

Stay tuned.


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